6 Concussion Prevention Tools to Include in Your Concussion Education Program

Use these concussion education products and activities to teach about concussions.

These concussion prevention tools and activities are wonderful additions to an educational program. Concussions — a type of traumatic brain injury — can affect memory, judgment, reflexes, speech, balance, and muscle coordination. Through hands-on learning tools and experiences, you can engage and teach your community members about these effects, the dangers of concussions, and how crucial it is to follow a doctor’s recovery plan if you have a concussion.

In this post, we’ll highlight helpful concussion prevention products and activities you can use to enhance an education program and teach about concussions, including:

  1. Fatal Vision® Concussion Goggles
  2. Fatal Vision® Concussion Program Kit
  3. Fatal Vision® Concussion Event Kit
  4. Fatal Vision® Concussion Campaign Kit
  5. Concussion Study Activities Kit
  6. Concussion Sport Activities Kit

Keep reading to learn more about each of these concussion education products.

Fatal Vision® Concussion Goggles

The Fatal Vision® Concussion Goggles were developed with feedback from trauma doctors, and simulate the potentially debilitating effects of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body. This hands-on concussion awareness tool highlights TBI symptoms such as dizziness, disorientation, confusion, and visual disconnect.

Fatal Vision® Concussion Goggles can be purchased on their own, or as part of the following kits:

Using the goggles and these activities kits as part of a concussion education program helps participants understand the importance of taking measures to prevent concussions, reporting potential concussions, and following a doctor’s prescribed recovery protocol should they sustain a concussion.

Study Activities

This Concussion Study Activities kit includes five unique activities that can be used in conjunction with the Fatal Vision® Concussion Goggles (goggles sold separately) to show that concussions don’t just impact a person’s athletic performance – they can affect our performance in the classroom and at work as well.

These activities help participants experience the modeled symptoms of a TBI, including diminished processing speed and focus, loss of memory, dizziness, visual problems, and impaired fine motor skills.

The kit includes:

  • 1 DIES® Activity Mat
  • 12 multi-colored golf balls with grabber
  • 2 color card stacks
  • 4 dry erase boards with 12 markers and 2 erasers
  • 1 USB with easy-to-understand user guide and instructor videos
  • 1 backpack

The Study Activities kit is also included in the Concussion Campaign Kit.

Sport Activities

This Concussion Sport Activities kit includes five activities that can be used in conjunction with the Fatal Vision® Concussion Goggles (goggles sold separately) to demonstrate the impact of concussions on athletic performance.

By participating in these activities, people will get first-hand experience with the modeled symptoms of a TBI, such as loss of spatial awareness and balance, poor hand-eye coordination, diminished performance on complex motor tasks, and blurred or double vision.

The kit includes:

  • 1 DIES® Activity Mat
  • 300 “Stop, Sit, Tell” giveaway cards
  • 1 carrying case
  • 4 activity balls
  • 1 digital timer
  • 5 activity cups
  • 1 USB with easy-to-understand user guide and instructor videos
  • 1 backpack

The Sport Activities kit is also included in the Concussion Event Kit and Concussion Campaign Kit.

These hands-on concussion prevention tools and activities to teach about concussions are an engaging way to enrich your educational program. To learn more about these and other impairment teaching tools, visit our site today or call 800.272.5023.