Fatal Vision Goggles and Intoxiclock Deliver a Startling Message

The town of Winchester, New Hampshire, only has a population of about 4,500 people. Yet, despite its small size relative to other New England communities, it still has plenty of places for residents to drink alcohol. At last count, there were five — all within walking distance of each other and in the center of town. In Missy Calderwood’s opinion, the number of bars is disproportionate to the number of people in the town.

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Grassroots Group Empowers Students to Save Lives

On the campus of Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, it’s common to see a handful of students driving around campus on a Fatal Vision® Roadster pedal kart. Their mission is simple: They want to educate others about the dangers of mixing alcohol and driving. They are part of Proyecto FIESTA XII, a campus group that trains students to be facilitators in traffic, safety and alcohol.

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Police Department Teaches Teenagers to Make Informed Choices

The White Earth Tribal Police Department’s message to young people is simple and to the point: Have a plan to get home safely. Studies have shown that people who have a predetermined plan are apt to use that plan when they are impaired, but those who don’t are more likely to climb behind the wheel of a car. When officers talk to classes and groups, they want to emphasize why it’s so important to have an alternative to driving when one is impaired.

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Texas RED Saves Lives with Innocorp Products

In Texas, motor vehicle crashes are often the No. 1 reason people seek care in emergency rooms. In order to be designated as trauma centers, hospitals must offer injury prevention programs that teach people how to stay safe and avoid crashes and other causes of trauma. Texas Reality Education for Drivers (RED) has made a name for itself traveling around the state to teach people about the dangers of driving impaired or distracted. And Innocorp, ltd has proven to be just the right partner — offering relevant products and educational materials that have made a true impact on thousands of people throughout the state of Texas.

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A Mission to Save Lives

It was 24 years ago, but Michael Aguilar remembers the scene like it was yesterday — emergency vehicles with lights flashing, neighbors watching, and silence. He had just come home from a business meeting to find that a drunk driver had veered off the road into the yard where his 5-year-old son and a friend were playing. The car narrowly missed his son David, but David’s friend was seriously injured. He would make a full recovery, but not before spending a week in the hospital receiving treatment. The driver was another neighbor — an alcoholic who spent some time in jail after the incident. Right away, Michael put a sign in his yard aimed at the neighbor: “If you drink, don’t drive. Get help instead.”

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New intoxiclock® Pro Software Opens Eyes to Effects of Alcohol

When the Guilford County Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) Task Force sponsors a booth at local health fairs, it usually draws a big crowd. Passers-by are eager to try the new intoxiclock® Pro software to learn how their weight, gender and the number of drinks they consume affect their blood alcohol concentration (BAC). Many of them leave the booth surprised, chastened and with a renewed understanding of how alcohol affects their bodies.

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Innocorp To Conduct Nationwide Study About Marijuana Impairment And Driving Awareness Campaign

Verona, Wisconsin… Innocorp, Ltd. is seeking schools willing to participate in a study this spring evaluating the impact of using the Fatal Vision® Marijuana goggles in a program highlighting the dangers of marijuana use and driving. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of using the marijuana goggles in changing beliefs that driving under the influence of marijuana is of little risk and fostering behavioral intentions toward sober driving.

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Using Neutrality and Fatal Vision® Marijuana Simulation Kit to Reveal Truth About Marijuana Use

This November’s elections showed just how much attitudes toward marijuana use have changed in the United States. Nine states voted on marijuana legalization this fall. Post-election results? Eight of those nine states voted to legalize some form of marijuana use, whether medical or recreational. The upshot is that more than half of the states in the US have now legalized some type of marijuana use.

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